pop up card

By addinaf - 6:54:00 PM

woaa woaa :D
pop up card well done !
suddenly . insomniac . have no idea to do another . have an idea to make pop up .

ya udah deh aku jalan aja ke meja belajar, coret-coret semacam brainstorming, cari-cari bahan (yeiy! thanks god i'm an architect student x)

lem UHU
pink concord (sisa TKAD)
red fancypaper (sisa maket tugas besar SDA1)
spectra colour hitam (sisa kelas estetikadasar)
spidol fabercastell aneka warna

gunting-gunting tempel-tempel corat-coret gambar-gambar hapus-hapus . daaaan tadaaa !

waa waa waa, done with it :)
from 1pm-3pm .

sempet gagal juga sih, ngulang bikin gitu gara gara salah gunting. tapi jadi nya bagus kan, ya ya ya ? iya donk ! (maksa :p)
envy yoouu H !! you've got a super-duper-ultra-cute pop-up card from meeehh !! hahaha :Dsempet kepikiran juga sih apa nggak usah jadi kukasihin aja ya ? mau buatku sendiri aja gituu (ya elah nggak ikhlas bener dah) hehehe :p
oke finally, hope you'll like it, H ! :)

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  1. kalo orang lagi awal2 jadian emang beda.. fall in love melulu! hahaha...

  2. lucu banget ni popup cardnya :) terus berkreasi ^^
